C11 - Intensive programmes for teaching staff

Teaching at Student Workshop, The small scale, in combination with the Universal Design Practices Conferences III_Design and Ergonomics, April 2019

The C11, Intensive programmes for teaching staff,organized by UNIFI is scheduled in Florence in April 2019. The intensive program will focus on developing gaming software and the cooperative learning aspects. In addition, a special section will be dedicated to the study of the ergonomic aspects applied to the case being assessed, to the process of interaction with the environment and to the problems of accessibility, usability, quality and safety of the environment.
UNIFI will produce a detailed program of the event in autumn 2018. The intensive program will focus on the gaming software and cooperative learning of the game itself. In addition, a special section will be dedicated to deepen ergonomic aspects of procedural and regulatory nature, and design approaches applied to the case study being levaluated. The intensive program will also address the problems of accessibility, usability,  quality and safety of the environment, with particular attention to the welfare and quality of interaction of the person with disabilities with the environment, as well as all the people who linteract with it. The output isthe documentation of the results, the process and methodology. 

The output isthe documentation of the results, the process and methodology. 